Ensuring that your HVAC systems are properly balanced comes with many advantages.

2 Minute Read
Posted by Jordan Bove on Jul 12, 2023 9:16:45 AM

Ensuring that your HVAC system is properly balanced is important for numerous reasons, but first it’s important to understand what exactly balancing is. Balancing, also known as environmental balancing, is a three-step process used to maintain optimal and comfortable conditions in buildings, factories, and other commercial spaces. The three key steps are referred to as TAB, testing, adjusting, and balancing. Without performing these three components of balancing you are risking the comfortability and energy efficiency of your commercial space.

TAB is proven to lead to successful balancing. Testing is the first step in environmental balancing, this step involves measuring temperatures, pressure, air and water quantities, velocities, rational speeds, and electrical characteristics. This step requires specialized tools that a skillfully trained HVAC technician carefully calibrates to ensure accurate data measurements. Following the testing of these factors, comes the adjusting phase. This phase involves the fine-tuning by aligning balancing devices to reflect the proper settings. Once completed the final process balancing occurs which ensures the fluid airflows have been regulated and adjusted to its desired settings. These three steps are perfected by HVAC professionals to provide the correct diagnosis and correction of an unbalanced airflow.

Learn about the advantages environmental balancing has below!

·      Balancing improves the comfort levels of occupants in the environment, ensuring that the climate is safe and comfortable in any area of the commercial space. Without balancing you risk creating stagnant areas within the space that leads to unhealthy airflow and air quality.

·      Better air quality is another amazing benefit to balancing your HVAC systems. When the airflow is properly circulated it provides appropriate indoor air changes, without these changes the formation of mold and mildew is heightened. By maintaining balancing and avoiding the growth contaminants, you’re also increasing the lifespan of your HVAC equipment.

·      Unbalanced airflow can cause wear and tear on areas of your HVAC system causing premature breakdowns. Keeping up with maintenance like balancing on your HVAC systems increases energy efficiency. Balancing your HVAC units ensures that systems are running as efficiently as possible, eliminating higher than usual energy usage and lowering cost.

Don’t waste energy or money on costly repairs and monthly operational expenses, schedule your HVAC balancing appointment today!

More questions or interested in speaking with one of our skilled team members? Contact our Balancing Application Specialist, Sam Rovine at 484-732-7334 or via email at

Jordan Bove

Marketing Coordinator